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wcg rave

Employee RAVE

Posted Fri, May 22, 2020

Like most businesses, WCG solicits reviews from clients to assess how we are doing and to also provide some love to our amazing staff. We took that one step further and created a conduit where employees can recognize each other going above and beyond… hence the RAVE… Recognizing A Valued Employee. We could have called it RACE and recognize a cool employee. Rave seems to fit a bit better.

Every two weeks we hold an All Hands meeting at our office to discuss all the things you normally would imagine… what we did wrong… what we need to change… updates to this and that, etc. However, we end the meeting with our Madam Ambassador, Latesha Anderson, who reads off our survey results and Google reviews. Jason Watson finishes up by reading the RAVEs recently submitted (and holding back the tears).

All employees recognized by a survey result, Google review or RAVE gets a fun magnetic person to add to their collection for shameless public display of coolness. And, employees can turn in 6 for a $25 gift card to various restaurants and such.

Accounting is dull and boring, and usually filled with negativity since we define success in the negative… no errors = good work. RAVEs add a bit of positivity to remind everyone of the wonderful things we all do for our clients and for each other.

Here are some recent RAVEs-

April 28, From Nate to Sam, “Sam has really helped take charge to help out the PPP team when we really needed extra help with working on the loan forgiveness and bi-weekly payroll calculations for clients.  Thanks so much Sam!”

April 24, From Amy to Kate, “Our first Friday with mini-staff, Kate was off.  Banks had sent out notices that they once again had funding for SBA PPP loans but they needed all client’s info asap that day as they would be out of funds before Monday. I received numerous panicked calls that day.  I spoke to Kate and she handled getting all of the necessary information client’s needed to submit their info to the banks and she had a great attitude about it!  You never would’ve known she was off that day. Thank you so much Kate for saving the day!”

April 24, From Jason to Nate, “There was a PPP emergency where a client needed his numbers to submit to the bank. I usually do the OTC emails, but Nate stepped in. He grabbed some verbiage, pasted that into an email and got the client what he needed. I never asked Nate…. he just recognized a problem and had a solution. Great command! Great execution!”

March 31, From Amanda to Christi, “Christi let me know in passing she was available to help on PPP day #2, but it went out of my mind in the middle of a zillion emails and calls. Later Christi saw that I was drowning and asked me again how she could help. I can’t even describe the relief I had when she threw that life preserver my way. While that’s the story today it’s not a unique quality in Christi – she is always ready and willing to help the team at WCG. I appreciate her!”

February 24, From Michelle to Stephanie, “You ROCK!  Even though you spent over half your time for two weeks training our new Payroll folks, you still kicked butt on tax return prep!  Your can do, work your butt off, and anything to help the firm attitude is noticed – and very much appreciated.  You’re doing great, keep it up!”

wcg employee raveFebruary 21, From Jerrod to Santiago and Nate, “Flex Days are a lot of work, and being on the phones for 4 days in a row can beat you down. After noticing the frustration in my voice on my 4th day of phones Santiago jumped into action! By the time I arrived to work on Friday the phones were not fixed, but Santiago (with his technological prowess) switch my line & Nate’s. Nate handled the phones the entire day like a Seasoned WCG Vet, and I was finally able to return to tax work. Thanks for lookin’ out fellas!”

February 7, From Sally to Jerrod, “I’d like to add to Amanda’s RAVE for Jerrod last Friday.  Not only did he shovel the sidewalks without being asked, but he also shoveled paths to everyone’s cars before they left for the day without being asked.  He is such a thoughtful member of our team!”

January 30, From Amy to Roberta, “Roberta has always been helpful, however, today she was exceptionally helpful.  We were in the middle of our Client Support meeting and a client had walked in.  I let Roberta know and she didn’t hesitate to put on hold what she was doing to assist the client so we could continue our meeting.  Even when she see’s me coming (and knows I’m going to be asking her something) she’s smiling instead of running for the hills. :)”

There are many many more…