2025 WCG India Team Tax Kickoff

By Jason Watson, CPA

Posted Tuesday, January 28, 2025

wcg india teamJason Watson, Terra Plamp and Beth Buchanan just returned from Ahmedabad, India to meet with our 23-person team on the other side of the globe, do some training, kick off tax season and share some laughs.

Meet your WCG India team-

Left to right standing- Sahil Sheth, Riya Maheshwari, Shivani Trivedi, Saloni Patadiya, Trishla Chaplot, Surbhi Setia (WCG India Team Director), Terra Plamp (WCG U.S. Senior Tax Manager), Payal Nainwani, Rohit Kewlani, Dhanesh Tiwari, Ashita Jain, Rachit Ved, Sumit Sirwani,  Mohit Prajapati,  Shubham Rathod, and Abhay Singrotiya.

Left to right sitting- Khushi Shah, Simar Singh Bagga, Jason Watson (WCG U.S. Partner), Shikha Sahu, Varsha Sangtani, Priyanshi Nagar, Aashini Shah.

India gets hot, right? Like 35 Celsius or more hot. Look at our picture again… Dhanesh is covering up the R in HEARTBEAT. So, the joke is now “WE ARE ONE TEAM, ONE HEAT.” Yes, we are getting t-shirts.

Who is on WCG India? We have tax accountants, tax support team members and accounting services team members.

What about credentials? Sahil, Trishla and Surbhi are Chartered Accountants. This is similar to a Certified Public Accountant, but for those who have both the CA and CPA, they all say the CA is way way harder. Dhanesh is an Enrolled Agent and Saloni is almost done with the same. How is an EA different than a CPA? Read more.

We also went to the 2025 International Kite Festival on Tuesday. Want some fun facts about kites?

In 1870, Australian inventor Lawrence Hargrave designed box-kites and inspired the aeroplane. He later worked with the Wright Brothers who are obscurely famous.

1890 – 1940, box-kites were used to collect meteorological and other weather data. Balloons were the upgrade.

In 1903, Samuel Franklin Cody crossed the English Channel using a specially designed kite. He’s nuts.

Kite-Buggying and Land-Boarding use kites attached to buggies to race across sandy beaches.

Jason Watson, CPA is a Senior Partner of WCG CPAs & Advisors, a business consultation and tax preparation CPA firm located in Colorado Springs, and is the author of Taxpayer’s Comprehensive Guide on LLC’s and S Corps and I Just Got a Rental What Do I Do? which are available online and from mostly average retailers.