Michelle Ihlefeldt, Accounting ManagerMichelle Ihlefeldt, Accounting Services Manager

Michelle grew up in Aurora, Colorado. She is the middle child of three. She was the official baker of the home, but also loved being outside and going to the creek with her brother to catch creatures for her mom.

She got her Bachelor’s degree from Regis University. Outside of her Accounting major, she also loved history and art. Her favorite accounting class was her Master’s degree program in forensic auditing.

Michelle has CPAs in her family and business majors. She has never known a year without April 15 bring circled on the calendar.  Accounting for her is a puzzle that requires her to solve it and put the pieces together to create the finished product.

Michelle is a mother to five kids, who she’s raised on her own for the last nine years. She loves the garden and watching everything grow and mature. Being outside in Colorado is great. You can find her and the family camping, spending time at church on various activities and reading. She also LOVES to bake bread. Yum.