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Secure Pay Online

Posted Wed, July 17, 2019

We have been using PaySimple for over a decade because of their high regard for security and privacy, and they allow you to pay with a bank draft (ACH) or credit card. You do not have to create an account to pay online.



Please click on the button below to be redirected to our pay online form. Returning customers who set up a PaySimple account can use the second button to log into their PaySimple account. This bypasses having to enter your billing information each time you want to make a payment to us.

PayPal Users

We still maintain our PayPal account for those clients who prefer PayPal. You can send payments directly to [email protected], or enter the amount and click Submit below-

Amount to pay via PayPal

Payment Forms

If you would rather send us your payment information via fax or some other means, you can complete our Payment Authorization form which is a non-fillable PDF (for your security). Please contact us if you have questions about this service. We can also take your payment information over the phone by calling 719-387-9800. For our tax clients, we can also draft your payment from the same account you set up for your tax refund or tax payment- simply call us or email us if this method is preferred.

Thank you for your continued trust and loyalty. Your business is appreciated.

pay online